How To CountContractions And Keep Track

So You Know When To Go To The E.R.

The time between the end of the first contraction to the beginning of the next contraction is what you need to keep track of and not how long the contraction lasts. For Example:

10:45 am (when the first contraction ended)
11:25am (when the beginning of the next contraction started)

Since the end of the first contraction was 10:45 am and the beginning of the next contraction started at 11:25 am this shows the contraction was 40 minutes apart. Its common to get more than one contraction that is the same time amount apart as the last. It is also common to have the time between contractions bounce back and forth once in a while. For example you could have a contraction marked as 10 minutes apart and the next be 16 minutes apart and then go to 8 minutes apart.